

Today we have the pleasure to release our newest episode with the #2 ranked Woman FGFS rider in the world and the first woman to join our show, Devan Gallagher! With a deep history in the sport and huge determination to progress, Devan is truly an inspiration on the bike with great stories and memories to share. Enjoy!


We are extremely honored to present to you a podcast episode with this legend. The creator of the 26″ Fixed movement, the man behind The Grime and Turf, peg mastermind, pioneer of the sport we all love, entertainer at heart, and much much more, we present to you the Mike Schmitt episode!


Today we introduce the “There Will Never Be Another” mini documentary series! We kick off the series with one of the most deserving riders in Fixed Gear history to look back on, Tom La Marche. A name that still resonates throughout the scene, Tom’s history and accomplishments on a Fixed Gear bike are nothing short of monumental. Hope you enjoy and let me know which rider I should cover next.

Also make sure to check out La Marche Bike Co!

Fixed Gear Archive Recents

As you may or may not know, I upload a video to the Fixed Gear Archive youtube channel nearly every day. Here’s some recent fun ones that I’ve upped on there:

Reminder that a lot of these uploads have been lost in the ether, which makes these pretty much an FGS exclusive. So SUBSCRIBE!

Touring the Master Headquarters

While in Seattle, we head over to the Master Bike Co. headquarters, aka Kareem Shehab’s crib, and he was nice enough to take us on a tour of his very impressive collection of fixed gear memorabilia he’s gathered throughout the years. Enjoy!

History Lesson – Devan Council

Time for a quick history lesson folks!

As we all know, women in the trick scene are historically few and far between. While things are looking up these days and more women seem to be doing tricks on fixed gear bikes than ever, we must pay tribute to those who paved the way!

Lately I’ve been chatting with Devan Gallagher, formerly known as Devan Council. In 2010, she was at the forefront of women in the fixed gear trick scene. She attended all the major competitions, released multiple videos, and was even invited to the prestigious Red Bull Ride + Style competition in 2011, the only women to ever be invited to the competition series.

Devan would also do her part covering and supporting other woman in the scene. In January 2011’s issue of Urban Velo, Devan had a write up interviewing several of the woman throughout the scene, possibly one of the biggest forms of exposure for women in the scene at the time.

Devan has hopped back on the bike recently and is in full shredding form, which is so cool to see. We just uploaded one of her old unreleased edits from 2011 onto the archive. Check out Devan’s old edit below and peep some of her new shred here!